Using Public Holidays with Smart Formulas


Smart Formulas can be used to select different earnings rates on public holidays. In order to do so, they must first be configured in UpSheets (even though Xero has public holidays configured, they are not available publicly).

Basic Setup

To use public holidays, it must first be enabled:

Smart Formulas> Smart Formula Settings> Holidays

enable smart formulas

Then click Setup Holidays and then Add each holiday to the default calendar

add holiday calendar setup

Once complete click Back to Settings to exit

Default Calendar

As standard, a single Default Calendar is available and automatically assigned to all employees.

default calendar

Using Additional Calendars

If you require more calendars, simply click Add Calendar, give it a name and click Save. You can then add holidays in the same way as usual.

add calendar

NOTE: You must add all required dates for each calendar.

When multiple calendars are defined, you can optionally select a calendar for each employee. If some employees do not need a calendar, simply set up a calendar with no holidays and assign it as required.

assign calendar