Connecting Clockify to UpSheets
You can connect UpSheets directly to Clockify to import your data and upload it to Xero. This streamlines the process and removes the need to export and import CSV files.
Enabling the Clockify Integration with UpSheets
Clockify data can be accessed by creating a Personal Access Token. After creating it you will be provided with a random token and a list of your account IDs.
To enable this feature, complete the steps below.
To create an API key you must first Register for Clockify if you have not already done so.
After logging in, select Preferences from the menu and go to the Advanced tab. Click Generate, then Generate again to create an API key. Copy the API key for the next step.
IMPORTANT: Keep your Token and Account ID secret just as you would a password
- Select Integrations from the menu in UpSheets and click the Clockify tab. Enter the API key. The API key will be masked for security reasons.
>Once connected, the integration will become enabled. If you have more than one workspace, select the one you wish to use as the source of data