Rate Types when Uploading Earnings Lines to Timesheets

Earnings Pay Items may be uploaded as timesheets so long as they:

  • Have a rate type of Multiple


  • Have a Have a **rate type **of Rate Per Unit; and
  • The type of units matches the value on the ordinary earnings rate set for the employee.

E.g. For an employee who has an ordinary earnings rate set to Ordinary Hours (Ttpe of unit = Hours), you can load:

  • Any earnings pay item with a unit of hours
  • Any earnings pay item with a rate type of Multiple

If you were to try and load an earnings pay item with type of unit set to Days, an error will be given.

Timesheets: Pay Item must have a MULTIPLE Rate type OR have a unit of Hours (not Days)

To resolve this, you must either select a valid pay item, or update the ordinary earnings rate for the employee to use one set to Days