Defaulting the Rate for Payslip Adjustments from Xero


When validating paylsip adjustments and the rate field is not provided in the file, UpSheets can try to retrieve this from Xero if it is defined on a pay template for the employee.

This feature requires each payslip to be retrieved individually and will slow down the validation of your data (the more employees you have the more noticeable this will be). For this reason, the feature must be explicitly enabled in your user settings.

Pay Template Setting

The following errors relate to this type of upload

Rate is required if Rate Per Unit not set on the Pay Item in Xero

If Use Xero Pay Template Rates for Payslip Adjustments IS NOT enabled, this error is displayed when the rate is not provided in the file and it is also not set on the pay item itself. To resolve it, simply add the rate to the pay item, or the file and revalidate.

Rate is required if Rate Per Unit not set on the Pay Item or Pay Template in Xero

If Use Xero Pay Template Rates for Payslip Adjustments IS enabled, this error is displayed when the rate is not provided in the file and not set on the employee's pay template and it is also not set on the pay item itself. To resolve it, simply add the rate to the pay item, pay template or the file and revalidate.
This error may also be shown if the paylsip has been manually edited to remove the line of the same type that is normally added from the pay template. In this instance, resetting the payslip (or deleting and recreating the payrun) before revalidating your file will resolve the issue.


If you have updated the pay template or payslip for an employee, you must select the option to refresh payslips when revalidating the file as shown below:

Revalidate Data