How are Leave hours allocated over multiple pay periods?


It is possible for a Leave request to span multiple pay periods, however only the total hours are provided in the file. The following article explains how these hours are distributed in this siuation.

Alternatively, UpSheets can be configured to calculate leave hours automatically to change this behaviour.


In order to allocate the hours to multiple periods, the total number of hours are split evenly between each period (in whole hours). If there are any additional hours they are allocated to the total of the first period.

Example 1 - Single Pay Period, 10 Hours

Period one: 01-Jan-2019 to 06-Jan-2019 / 10 Hours

Example 2 - Two Pay Periods, 20 Hours

Period one: 01-Jan-2019 to 06-Jan-2019 / 10 Hours

Period two: 07-Jan-2019 to 13-Jan-2019 / 10 Hours

Example 3 - Three Pay Periods, 20 Hours

Period one: 01-Jan-2019 to 06-Jan-2019 / 8 Hours (This record has the additional 2 hours allocated)

Period two: 07-Jan-2019 to 13-Jan-2019 / 6 Hours

Period two: 14-Jan-2019 to 20-Jan-2019 / 6 Hours